The Once and Future New York Insurance Exchange

March 29, 2010

Since the idea of re-establishing the exchange surfaced a couple of years ago, I have been repeatedly asked what has changed in the past two decades to make a Lloyds-style insurance exchange workable in the US today when it did not seem to work before? To help the dialogue on these and other questions about reviving the exchange, I wrote an article “The Once and Future New York Insurance Exchange,” a copy of which I placed on the insurance exchange page of my website.

I am extremely pleased that Insurance Advocate magazine considered this topic of such interest that it published my article as its cover story in the March 8, 2010 issue, and that it has posted the article on its website at (click on “preview article”).

If you have any interest in this topic, I hope you will take a few minutes to read my article and possibly comment on your views about the topic to me.

What do you think?

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